Monday, March 2, 2009

Chassahowitzka River, Florida


  1. Brian looks so lonely in that last shot. lol you couldn't put the camera down for 10 seconds to set the timer and jump in the shot couldja? lol

  2. Well, we did that, but I don't like them.

  3. looks like fun!

    i noticed (on the right side of your blog) that you are a fan of house of three. i thought that you might like heidi swapp's blog (if you haven't seen it) - she frequently posts projects that she is working on - and sometimes videos. mostly it is scrapbooking; however, she posts some random craft projects, too.

  4. :) I am following all three of thier blogs. I found them because that photographer that I was telling you about did thier photos for thier new company together. I love Heidi's stuff! I'm so jealous! LOL!
