Friday, October 29, 2010

What I've learned This Week | personal

Every Friday I'm going to write a post about what I have learned about photography and life in general.  It's mostly for me to start keeping track but it's also for others. Maybe somebody else can learn from something I've learned, who knows?  And, by the way, they are in no particular order.  Just random.

Week two ...

Photography related -
*Be careful while editing photos not to push too many wrong keys on the keyboard.  I have no idea which key I hit, but it changed my brush and I had to re-edit about ten photos.  Whoops. 
*I'm sadly going to have to change the way I watermark my photos.  I always put it at the bottom so that my clients can see themselves instead of my watermark but I guess some people don't understand the concept of the way that photography copyright works.  I'm learning most of my lessons the hard way. =)
*The Creative Live with Tamara Lackey event will be November 19-21.  I may end up missing some of it because I have some sessions scheduled that weekend but I'm still looking forward to catching as much of it as I can.  Check it out if you can.  It should prove to be a great learning event.
*My website is taking a bit longer to complete because I'm having a very difficult time completing the write up portion of it.  I sure do wish it was easier for me to talk about myself.  It would come in pretty handy right about now.
*If you know specifically what you are trying to acomplish in photoshop but don't have a clue how to do it, google will get you the answer pretty quickly and the internet is a very generous place when it comes to others sharing their knowledge!
*I printed a chart out for my own reference on the focal distance for each aperture setting.  I plan on using it until I have my sweet spots completely memorized. 

Life in general -
*We are headed up to South Carolina for Thanksgiving this year.  I feel like it might make it a bit easier for me if we got out of town.  Thanksgiving has been bonding time for me and mom for many, many years now and it's probably going to be a hard weekend for me.  At least this way I won't be in the kitchen, so I won't be in there without her.
*Never chop at your bangs when you are having a bad day. Ha!  Ya, I've had to learn this lesson over and over and over.  Learned it again this week. 
*Mom and Dad Swatts have a new pop-up and it is super nice!  I bet they can't wait to use it.
*Oh, and I learned that Gracey had a project that was due last week.   But I didn't learn about it until this week.  ***sigh*** I'm really going to have to be more thorough about going through her backpack every day.  Spending five hours in one night on a project was NOT FUN!

I'm missing being out in the sun already.  Gracey doesn't have school today so maybe we'll try and get some somewhere.  But for now, here's a photo of our last beach trip that never made it to the blog.

Happy Friday!



  1. love this post! you'll have to share with me your plans for your watermark. I'm still tweaking mine, though i want it to remain small. you'll have to pass on what you've learned. and do let me know if you need any other help with your write-up. if only moral support. i love you.

  2. For some reason I seem to regret it when I get my bangs chopped too. I wonder if every girl feels that way? Lol! They're cute but what a pain in the you know what!!

    I miss you!! I miss hanging out!! It used to be so easy and now that living kinda far from each other (and life) has gotten in the makes it hard to see each other! I hope you're doing well though! I think about you and your family a lot. Call me if you have the time and you need to vent!! Love you!!

  3. Going to miss you at THanksgiving!

  4. Love this Pic!!!!! and i love learning more about you through your blog! :) :) good seeing you last night
