Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Halloween | personal

So, I'm only blogging about Halloween over a week later.  My excuse?  I didn't want to compete with every other Halloween blogger who blogged the day of, or the day after.

Ok, ok ... that's not the real reason why.  But it sounded good, right?  I'm late.  Its a common thing that happens on this blog.

We actually had a pretty quiet Halloween this year.  It was somewhat sad for us because our neighborhood is usually buzzing with tons of costume-clad candy lovers.  We didn't get too many Trick-Or-Treaters to our house although there were quite a few out and about.  I guess, bad housing market = half the neighbors there once were participating in the festivities.

Gracey had the idea that the three of us should be police officers this year.  But ... I procrastinated on making any firm decisions.  Then it got to be too close to Halloween and piecing together two adult police costumes and one child police costume was just going to be too much work.  So, Brian and I settled for being Gracey's prisoners.

And she was all for it!  What kid wouldn't want the chance to lock up her parents?

As we walked around the neighborhood letting Gracey gather her candy we got lots of compliments on our costumes.  I guess we did kind of make a funny sight to those people who answered their doors to find that the cops were the ones banging ... and an even funnier sight when they looked out and down their driveways to see two prisoners handcuffed and waiting on their captor to get candy.  So, needless to say, even though it was a lot quieter around here on the 31st, it was still fun.

And we have waaaayyy too much candy left over.

Hope you all had lots of fun at Halloween too!



  1. so fun! and no worries ... i'm way behind on my halloween updating, too ;) .

    love these pictures! thanks for sharing! love you three!

  2. Cutest cops and robbers I ever seen!
