Monday, April 11, 2011

IT'S A ...... | personal

It is truly amazing how much can change in just the blink of an eye.  To think, just a year ago, how different my life was.  I had just lost my full-time job and at the same time we were finding out that mom had lung cancer.  Now, mom is gone and we have a baby on the way.





And yet ... Amazing!

... Joyful!

... Exciting!

We let Gracey go to school late this morning so that she could be there for the sonogram.  My memories of how things were when I was pregnant with Gracey snuck in to this moment;  the smile on mom's face as she watched the monitor, seeing her little grandbaby for the first time;  The joy that her, Brian and I all felt as we were told that it was to be a little girl;  The excitement mom had when she showed me her purchase of baby girl clothes for our little angel face.  All the times that I could ask mom for help through any of it and she was always there.  Never having anything else to do than care for her daughter and her grandbaby, because she loved us THAT much.

Happy memories.

Bittersweet memories.

But I can't be thankful enough that she was there through all of that with me.  I am so very grateful that I had my mom - my best friend - holding my hand and guiding me through that whole experience.

And I look to those memories now to help me through this next one.

And I watch the excitement in Gracey's face as she finds out that the baby is going to be a little ...


Yep, we are having another girl!

Another little angel face.  And I look at Gracey now, how big she has gotten, how much she has grown up, and I'm glad to be going through this again.  I'm glad that I get to have another little girl.  - Glad that I don't have to worry about being peed on when I'm changing diapers! - 

More than anything, I'm so happy that she is healthy.  All the measurements are right on track and she was kicking up a storm while we were watching her on the screen!  So much fun!

And so amazing.

Now, to figure out a name ...



  1. first of all ... i love these photos. priceless.

    second of all ... i admit i was wrong. though it's a happy mistake.

    third of all ... i *know* your mom was with you today ... and will continue to be.

    fourthly ... i love you.

    so happy for you, brian and gracey. love you all ... and so very, very excited for you. hope to see you soon!

  2. LOVE you all soooo much!!!! I am so excited to meet her.

  3. This is beautiful. Congratulations to you and your family!

  4. Congrats! Two girls :) Love the photos! Aleah

  5. How u know me very well , I am in tears now ... cant stop crying :( I am so happy for u guys and never forget u are my inspiration ... Love you so much ... Maybe her name can be Paulina !!! lol I am just saying lol lol lol

  6. o many more beautiful memories to gather and cherish. So happy for all of you and so excited to have another niece...Thank you!

    Aunt Kimmie

  7. oh, jess...i am so happy for all of you. i remember when brian and amy and kim were born, and how i didn't really appreciate the miracle of it...i was too young and oblivious. they were were ten-ish thru thirteen-ish when my daughter was born...and i always smile to myself when i remember how kind and good they were to my small girl. now i look at you all, with families of your own...and my heart swells right up with joy and gratitude for the good, good people you all are; for the happy families you are nurturing. i feel an incredible happiness when i think of how close you are; of how much you cousins mean to each other and to us! i love you all and feel so blessed to call you mine. can't wait to see you again...really, really soon! love ya!

  8. I am so thrilled for all of you. When we heard on Christmas Day that you were having a Baby I couldn't stop smileing. I am so proud of you all and love you. And I know your mom and Lonnie are there just a beaming with pride. Just think I'll be having 3 more G-Grandchildren, which my loving family have given me. That will make 9 G-Grandchildren. I can't wait to see you all. Love Grandma Huston
